[][src]Function sunrise_libuser::ipc::server::common_port_handler

fn common_port_handler<T, DISPATCH>(
    work_queue: WorkQueue<'static>,
    port: ServerPort,
    dispatch: DISPATCH
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> where
    DISPATCH: for<'b> FutureCallback<(&'b mut T, WorkQueue<'static>, u32, &'b mut [u8]), Result<(), Error>>,
    DISPATCH: Clone + Unpin + Send + 'static,
    T: Default + Clone + Unpin + Send + 'static, 

Infinite loop future that waits for port to get signaled, then accepts a new session on the port, creates a new object backing the session using T::default(), and finally spawns a new session wrapper future using new_session_wrapper().