[][src]Macro sunrise_libuser::kip_header

macro_rules! kip_header {
    ($header:ident = $expr:expr) => { ... };

Define the kernel built-ins in the .kip_header section. Has the following syntax:

extern crate sunrise_libuser;
use sunrise_libuser::{caps, kip_header};
use sunrise_libuser::caps::ProcessCategory;
kip_header!(HEADER = caps::KipHeader {
    magic: *b"KIP1",
    name: *b"test\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0",
    title_id: 0x0200000000001000,
    process_category: ProcessCategory::KernelBuiltin,
    main_thread_priority: 0,
    default_cpu_core: 0,
    flags: 0,
    reserved: 0,
    stack_page_count: 16,

Order of the fields does not matter. Every value is configurable.